Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction

Johannah Racz Knudson's writing has appeared in Sycamore Review, Puerto del Sol, Peregrine, Superstition Review, Threadcount, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from Colorado State University and works as a freelance writer and writing coach in Northern Colorado.


“Army Without a Country,” Footnote #5, Alternating Current Press, forthcoming

Anthony Bourdain at Chernobyl,” Fourth Genre 23.2, Fall 2021

Coup,” Pithead Chapel, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021

"Stars, Meteors, Bombs," matchbook, December 2020

"Fort Collins: A Portrait,” Rejection Letters, Sept 30, 2020

"Plasma” (2020 Best Microfiction Nominee) and “First/Last,” Threadcount, Issue 14, Spring 2020

"Modern Physics," Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Sept 1, 2019

"Three Difficult Names," Superstition Review, April 28, 2018

"Cosmology: Four Score," Superstition Review, Issue 20, fall 2017

“Nostrum,” Peregrine, Volume XXII, 2002

“Love Letter to John Donne,” (AWP Intro Journals Project Winner), GSU Review, Spring 2001

“What Sound, Breaking,” (AWP Intro Journals Project Winner), Puerto del Sol, Spring/Summer 2000

“They Walk Away,” “He Shows Me the Wound,” and “Intermission,” Northwest Review, Volume 38 Number 3, 2000

“He Dreams a Blue Dress,” Sycamore Review, Summer/Fall 1999, Volume II Number 2


Transylvania Blue is a biography about my great uncle's escape from the Nazis and then Soviet occupation to freedom in Canada. It intertwines memory, historical and current context, and personal anecdotes to reconstruct the life of a man whose experiences reveal both the worst and the best of human potential. It's a story of the Jewish experience surrounding the Holocaust, and it's a human story with important insights for our lives as individuals living during extraordinary times.

Keep tabs on my progress at

I'm available for readings, speaking engagements, interviews, workshops, and seminars.

Contact me to inquire.