Writing Coach Services

Lack inspiration? Want to expand your talent? Need a second pair of eyes? Writing is hard work, but you don't have to struggle. As a writing coach, I can support your growth, nurture your technique, and help spark your imagination. In other words, I've got your back. Whether you're wrestling with a writing project or simply want to explore, I'll help you focus your talent, expand your knowledge, and achieve your writing goals.

For writers of any experience level, from beginner to professional

All genres: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and business communications

One-on-one sessions, in person or by phone

New to the idea of a writing coach?


Johannah has taught fiction, poetry, and composition both on the college level and in one-on-one writing coach sessions. Her experience giving constructive feedback, leading workshops and classes, and providing individualized coaching began in 1997 and continues to this day through Heliograph Communications’ creative writing coach services. Johannah has worked as a  copywriter, technical writer, content strategist, and editor since 2000.

Johannah’s poetry has appeared nationally in Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Threadcount, Sycamore Review, Puerto del Sol, Northwest Review, Peregrine, Superstition Review, and elsewhere. Her copywriting has been translated into a variety of languages and distributed internationally. She is a two-time winner of the Associated Writing Programs Intro Journals Award. Learn about Johannah's creative projects. >>

Are you ready to get started?

Contact me; I'd love to help you meet your writing goals!