What You Need to Know About Working with a Writing Coach


New to the idea of a writing coach? Read on to learn how coaching can help you develop your writing skills, expand your body of work, and get in touch with your unique voice.

Johannah provides answers to some key questions:


What is a Writing Coach?

Good, authentic creative writing combines superb technique with a writer’s unique sense of inspiration. A writing coach offers methods, tools, and constructive feedback in one-on-one sessions to develop your technique and help you access your own authentic voice.

What is Your Coaching Style?

I aim to spark your inspiration, excite you about the writing process, and support your development. Feedback is most effective when done with honesty and sensitivity. I tell you the complete truth about what you need to work on—as well as your writing strengths.

What is Your Coaching Philosophy?

I believe that anyone who feels a genuine and abiding motivation to write has the talent to be a writer. It is my job to provide the tools and techniques you need to help those talents emerge.

Who Do You Work With?

I work with anyone interested in authentic expression in writing. Whether you are a beginner or already have publications under your belt, I’ll work with you to:

  • Focus your talents
  • Expand your knowledge
  • Develop your style
  • Polish your work
  • Increase your productivity and output

How Will You Help Me Meet My Goals?

We decide together how I can best facilitate your development as a writer. Whether you need one-time-only feedback or longer-term coaching, my services are flexible to meet your particular needs.

What Are Some Typical Coaching Topics?

Typical coaching topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Poetry (specific detail, metaphor/simile, word choice, form, and more)
  • Fiction (character development, dialogue, plot, dramatic tension, structure, and more)
  • Creative nonfiction (character development, dialogue, plot, dramatic tension, structure, and more)
  • Business communications (effective e-mails, slide decks, memos, white papers, trade articles, and more)
  • Motivation and time management
  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • Grammar

Get started on your writing goals! Contact Johannah to discuss how coaching fits into your writing process.