Creativity is Productivity: Take Advantage of Working from Home


Take Advantage of Working from Home by Taking Creative Breaks

Except for a few stints working from clients’ offices, I’ve worked from home as a content strategist, copywriter, and technical writer for over 18 years. In that time, I’ve developed habits and strategies to take full advantage of my home-office lifestyle.

Right now, with efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, there’s a lot of good advice out there for people who are new to at-home working: Have dependable internet access. Set up work/life boundaries. Work at your desk, not the couch. Change out of your pajamas.

Not everyone can work from home during this period of social isolation. But for those who can, I have one primary tip that goes beyond the basics: take creative breaks.


How does this change in routine allow you to think about your time in new ways? How will you cope with this isolation, and more, how will you take advantage of it?


Typically, in business, we think of creativity as separate from our work endeavors. There’s just no time, we say. It’s just not that important.

I argue the opposite: Creativity keeps the right brain active, which, in turn, benefits left-brain thinking. In my experience, it opens us up to new insights and innovations. It enriches our analytical abilities, expanding our tools for interpreting data and solving problems. It energizes us, making us more productive. And it makes everything more fun.


Creativity is that “thinking outside the box,” “innovative thinking,” and “thought leadership” everyone talks about.


What is a “creative break?” It’s taking five, ten, fifteen minutes to freewrite. It’s banging those drums that have been sitting unused in the basement. It’s watercoloring, weaving, photography. Edit that video. Write that song. Your materials are within reach. Use them.

And then come back to your work.

By doing so, I have written, revised, and published poems. I’ve learned to play the drums. I’ve enriched my mind, broadened my abilities, promoted my career, and had fun. After a creative break, I return to my work invigorated, with new energy, expanded thinking, and a renewed sense of possibility.

During this time of uncertainty, take advantage of change however you can. My advice is to make your breaks creative breaks.

It’s done me well.