Still Jazzed: The How & Why of Heliograph


Heliograph Communications is approaching two decades in business. It seems like a good time to look inward, reminisce, and ask why. How and why is it that I still feel so jazzed to help individuals and organizations advance their goals and make their visions reality through strategic content?

In other words, why did Heliograph start in the first place and why does it continue to do what it does? It started with me: a poet with an entrepreneurial spirit, a hunger to explore new subjects, and an affinity for others with clear visions.

Heliograph Communications is my vision and the vehicle through which I do my work.

These are the ideas Heliograph Communications is built on, and almost twenty years later, they are the fuel that keeps it going:

Creativity needs free reign.

The imagination has no bounds. That means that a lot of us writers and designers are also entrepreneurs—visionaries of our own businesses. We not only enjoy doing the work, but also designing the process and context of how we work. We don’t just want to meet deadlines; we want to birth new paradigms. That’s why I’m able understand your vision, as well—and transform it into effective strategies and content.

Your vision is my mission.

As a creative, I love to see an individual’s or organization’s goal come to fruition and then grow into its fullest potential. Being part of that process is a joy and a privilege.

I love to write.

Language excites me. I love punctuation, and yes, grammar. I relish the chance to spawn a new piece of content and then whip it into shape with a ruthless editing pen. I adore the creative process—individual and collaborative.

I have a hungry mind.

I love the opportunity to learn new concepts and expand my knowledge and perspective. Every new project gives me access to new expertise, experience, and people. Diversity is one of life’s joys, and my work gives me that in spades. I’ve delved deep into an array of subjects, from atomic-level manufacturing to automobile armor to massage and energy healing. I like to think of myself as a traveler of the intellect.

Evolution is strength.

As a business, Heliograph not only has worked in a variety of industries, but has weathered all kinds of economic and cultural changes over the years. Adaptability is an art that requires a strong backbone, a positive mentality, and a constant ear to the ground. Heliograph Communications continues to grow and evolve, knowing that because change exists, any possibility can come true.


That’s how Heliograph got where it is today and that’s how it will continue.


Tell me about your vision and I’ll let you know how we can support your success. Contact me today!