“Three Difficult Names” & Other Publication News

Johannah Racz Knudson Summer Updates

It’s mid-summer, the season of sunshine and sunburns, open windows and open water, lawnmowers and hammocks. In frantic ecstasy, bees and butterflies comb new blooms for pollen. Neighbors converse across lawns. Kids pedal home in twilight and fall exhausted on their pillows.

As usual, I’ve been strategizing, coaching, and writing—sometimes at my desk, sometimes from the backyard hammock. Here are some updates on my recent endeavors:

  • In April, I contributed “Three Difficult Names” to the Superstition Review blog. In this piece, I talk about changing my name. I also touch on Lenin, Stalin, and God. Read it here.
  • Transylvania Blue continues to progress, thanks largely to weekend writing retreats at Lawless Research. The quiet and solitude are glorious gifts.

Wishing you a lovely summer with space and time to make progress on your own creative aspirations.