Writing Coach Insights: Being a Beginner
I know the vulnerability of being a beginner. I also know the relative comfort of being an expert. I’ve been writing since I was a child. I remember beginning some form of autobiography when I was eight. Since early high school, I’ve known that writing was the main educational/career path I wanted to pursue. By now, I’ve been doing it for a while.
Branching Out
Recently, I decided to branch out into something new: drumming. The very idea of this felt somewhat outrageous and terrifying. Partially, it was the thought of making that much noise, of expressing myself in such a conspicuous and loud way. But on an even more basic level, what scared me was the thought of trying something new, of being a beginner.
Finding a Teacher
It wasn’t until a friend suggested an actual concrete step I could take that this fantasy of drumming began to take form and become a real possibility. I looked for a class. Not finding that, I found a teacher. A great teacher.
The First Step
Sometimes, all we need is the first step. With that in mind, I’ve created a tip sheet, For Beginning Writers: Where to Start. Hopefully, it will give that first step to those of you contemplating, but not yet acting on, your own new venture.
Contact me to find our more about how a writing coach can take your writing practice up a notch.
Photo by Danielle MacInnes